Each ACF field type may contain several different settings that can be used to customize the appearance and functionality of the field. There are two main types of these settings: global and type-specific. Global field settings are register... Continue Reading
In a bidirectional relationship, each object (post, page, custom post type, user, or taxonomy) has a relationship field that refers to the other object. The relationship data is stored in an ACF field on both objects making it easier to que... Continue Reading
This article will discuss how to register fields and field groups via the functions.php file. There are many benefits to using PHP to register fields, the main of which is customization and distribution. The ability to define fields within ... Continue Reading
This article will demonstrate a solution for moving core WordPress elements within ACF fields. This concept uses a message field as a blank placeholder into which the elements are moved via jQuery. Here’s a look at what the interface ... Continue Reading
Synchronized JSON is a feature (added in version 5.1.5) which detects changes to local JSON files and allows the user to update the corresponding field groups within the Database. This functionality is visible when viewing the field group a... Continue Reading
Introduction Translating your WordPress website into multiple languages is one way to increase traffic and engage visitors from other countries. It may also be a requirement for your project. In this guide, we’ll explore the basic concept... Continue Reading
Local JSON is a helpful feature which saves field groups, post types, taxonomies, and option pages as JSON files within your theme. The idea is similar to caching, and both dramatically speeds up ACF and allows for version control over your... Continue Reading
Introduced in ACF PRO 6.2, the Options Pages UI simplifies the process of creating new, customized admin and sub-admin pages to edit ACF fields. All data saved on an options page is global and saved in the wp_options table, rather than atta... Continue Reading