Advanced Custom Fields (ACF®) is a WordPress plugin which allows you to add extra content fields to your WordPress edit screens. These extra content fields are more commonly referred to as Custom Fields and allow you to build websites faster and educate your clients quicker.
ACF Blocks are highly customizable and powerfully dynamic. They integrate deeply with custom fields allowing PHP developers to create bespoke solutions inline with the modern WordPress block editor and theme development.
ACF boasts a powerful and simple-to-use API. Check out the available functions to power your website.
Basic | |
acf_get_field_groups() | |
acf_get_fields() | Retrieves all the fields from a specific field group. |
get_field_object() | Returns the settings of a specific field. |
get_field_objects() | Returns the settings of all fields saved on a specific post. |
get_field() | Returns the value of a specific field. |
get_fields() | Returns an array of field values (name => value) for a specific post. |
the_field() | Displays the value of a specific field. |
Loop | |
get_row_index() | Returns the current row index within a have_rows() loop. |
get_row_layout() | Returns the current row layout name within a have_rows() loop. |
get_row() | Returns an array containing all values for the current row. |
get_sub_field_object() | Returns the settings of a specific sub field. |
get_sub_field() | Returns the value of a specific sub field. |
have_rows() | Used to loop through a parent field's value. |
the_sub_field() | Displays the value of a specific sub field. |
Update | |
add_row() | Adds a new row of data to an existing Repeater or Flexible Content field value. |
add_sub_row() | Adds a new row of data to a Repeater or Flexible Content sub field value. |
delete_field() | Deletes the value of a specific field. |
delete_row() | Deletes a row of data from an existing Repeater or Flexible Content field value. |
delete_sub_field() | Deletes the value of a specific sub field. |
delete_sub_row() | Deletes a row of data from an existing Repeater or Flexible Content sub field value. |
update_field() | Updates the value of a specific field. |
update_row() | Updates a row of data for an existing Repeater or Flexible Content field value. |
update_sub_field() | Updates the value of a specific sub field. |
update_sub_row() | Updates a row of data for an existing Repeater or Flexible Content sub field value. |
Other | |
acf_add_options_page() | Adds an options page to the admin menu. |
acf_add_options_sub_page() | Add a global options sub page to the WordPress dashboard. |
acf_form_head() | Validates and saves data submitted from an acf_form(). |
acf_form() | Creates a front end form. |
acf_register_block_type() | Registers a custom block type in the Gutenberg editor. |
acf_register_form() | Registers a front end form. |
Shortcode | Used within a content editor to display a custom field’s value. |
Deprecated | |
acf_set_options_page_capability() | Modifies the default Options Page capability setting. |
acf_set_options_page_menu() | Modifies the default Options Page menu name setting. |
acf_set_options_page_title() | Modifies the default Options Page title setting. |
has_sub_field() | Loops through rows of a Repeater or Flexible Content field. |
the_flexible_field() | Loops through rows of a Flexible Content field. |
the_repeater_field() | Loops through rows of a Repeater field. |
Hook into these actions to customize your ACF experience.
acf/field_group/admin_enqueue_scripts | Fires during the "enqueue_scripts" action when editing a field group. |
acf/field_group/admin_footer | Fires during the "admin_footer" action when editing a field group. |
acf/field_group/admin_head | Fires during the "admin_head" action when editing a field group. |
acf/init | Fires after ACF is fully initialized. |
acf/input/admin_enqueue_scripts | Fires during the "enqueue_scripts" action when editing a post. |
acf/input/admin_footer | Fires during the "admin_footer" action when editing a post. |
acf/input/admin_head | Fires during the "admin_head" action when editing a post. |
acf/input/form_data | Fires after ACF generates the hidden inputs required for each form. |
acf/options_page/save | Fires after publishing a save on an options page. |
acf/render_field | Fires when rendering a field. |
acf/save_post | Fires when saving $_POST data. |
acf/validate_save_post | Fires when validating `$_POST` data. |
Hook into these filters to customize your ACF experience.
acf/admin/license_key_constant_message | Used to modify the admin screen message when a license key is defined in code. |
acf/ajax/shortcode_capability | Used to modify the capability required to access ACF data via the ACF shortcode over AJAX requests. |
acf/compatibility | Used to enable backwards compatibility support. |
acf/field_group/auto_add_first_field | Filter for determining if a new field group should render with a text field automatically. |
acf/field_group/disable_field_settings_tabs | Used to disable the field settings tabs in the field group editor. |
acf/field_group/enable_field_browser | Used to hide the ‘Browse Fields’ button to disable the field type selection modal. |
acf/fields/flexible_content/layout_title | Filters the $title HTML for each Flexible Content layout. |
acf/fields/google_map/api | Filters the url parameters used to load the Google Maps JS API. |
acf/fields/post_object/query | Filters the $args used to query posts in the Post Object field. |
acf/fields/post_object/result | Filters the text displayed for each post in the Post Object field. |
acf/fields/relationship/query | Filters the $args used to query posts in the Relationship field. |
acf/fields/relationship/result | Filters the text displayed for each post in the Relationship field. |
acf/fields/taxonomy/query | Filters the $args used to query terms in the Taxonomy field (dropdown). |
acf/fields/taxonomy/result | Filters the text displayed for each term in the Taxonomy field. |
acf/fields/taxonomy/wp_list_categories | Filters the $args used to query terms in the Taxonomy field (list). |
acf/fields/user/query | Filters the query `$args` used by `WP_Query` to display text for each user. |
acf/fields/user/result | Filters the text displayed for each user. |
acf/format_value | Filters the field $value after being loaded by a template function such as get_field(). |
acf/json/eof_newline | Used to change the newline character at the end of JSON files. |
acf/json/save_file_name | Used to change the filename of files saved by the ACF local JSON feature. |
acf/load_field | Filters the $field settings after being loaded. |
acf/load_value | Filters the field $value after being loaded. |
acf/pre_save_post | Customize the $post_id used to save data during the acf_form_head() function. |
acf/prepare_field | Filters the $field settings in preparation for render. |
acf/register_block_type_args | Filters the arguments for registering a block type. |
acf/settings | Filters settings used throughout the plugin |
acf/settings/enable_options_pages_ui | Used to disable the UI for registering options pages. |
acf/settings/enable_post_types | Used to disable the custom post type and taxonomies feature. |
acf/shortcode/prevent_access | Allows you to limit the fields which can be output by the ACF Shortcode. Returning true from this filter will prevent the value being output by the shortcode. |
acf/update_field | Filters the $field settings before being saved. |
acf/update_value | Filters the field $value before being saved. |
acf/upload_prefilter | Used to perform validation on an attachment before it is uploaded. |
acf/validate_attachment | Used to perform validation on an attachment before it is uploaded or selected. |
acf/validate_value | Used to perform validation on the field's $value before being saved. |
Deprecated | |
acf/options_page/settings | This filter allows you to modify the setting used by the options page add-on. |
We curate an extensive list of frequently asked questions to help you quickly get on with your project.
If you have a question regarding the ACF plugin or the ACF website, please take a look at the FAQ categories here.