Registering a Custom Post Type

Last updated Apr 21, 2023


Post Types are great for storing data objects other than posts and pages, where WordPress provides an admin UI for managing your data and a URL structure for viewing them on the frontend of the site.

The ACF admin screen listing registered custom post types.

Add New

To register a new post type, navigate to the ‘ACF’ > ‘Post Types’ screen and click ‘Add New’. You will see a screen with some basic settings for the post type.

Add a new post type with ACF.

Basic Settings

The required fields of “‘Plural Label”, “Singular Label” and “Post Type Key” are the minimum required information to create a post type, however, there are other settings available if you want to perform more granular configurations.

Plural Label

This is the plural label of the date object you are registering. For example, Movies, actors, and books.

Singular Label

This is the singular label of the data object you are registering. For example, Movie, actor, and book.

Post Type Key

This is automatically generated from the singular label you enter but can be changed. It must be a string made up of lowercase letters, numbers, underscores and dashes only. It has a 20 character limit.


This setting controls if the post type is public or private. It is on by default, meaning the post type shows in the admin dashboard and is publicly accessible on the site frontend.


This setting controls the type of post type when it comes to allowing parent and child relationships between objects of the post types, like the WordPress ‘Pages’ post type.. It is off by default.

Advanced Configuration

There are a large number of settings that can be configured when registering a post type. To keep things simple, ACF doesn’t show them by default but you can control them when the ‘Advanced Configuration’ toggle is on.

Advanced settings when registering a post type with ACF.


The ‘General Settings’ gives you several general settings related to the post type.

Linked Taxonomies

Select from existing taxonomies that should be used to classify the post type.


Allows you to define which features of the content edit screen for the post type are supported. Enable the title, featured image, author, and more.

You can also add custom items to allow you to customize the editor for your site.


Use this to add a description about your post type that will be displayed in the post type list screen.


The active toggle is a quick way to deactivate the post type so it can be turned off without deleting it.


The ‘Labels’ tab allows you to define the label strings used for the post type throughout the admin dashboard. You can quickly either regenerate all labels based on your ‘Plural Label’ and ‘Singular Label’ entered earlier or clear all labels.

All of the labels used by WordPress can be configured.


The ‘Visibility’ tab contains the settings that control how the post type will be displayed in the admin dashboard and the frontend of the site. Control how it appears in the sidebar menu, remove it from the admin bar, exclude it from search results on the frontend, and more.

Show in UI

Enabled by default, this means the post type can be edited and managed in the WordPress admin dashboard.

Show in Admin Menu

Enabled by default, this controls if the post type appears in the sidebar menu in the admin dashboard.

Admin Menu Parent

By default the post type will get a new top level item in the admin menu. If an existing top level item is supplied here, the post type will be added as a submenu item under it.

Menu Position

A number that controls the position of the menu item in the admin dashboard sidebar menu.

Menu Icon

This is the icon used for the post type menu item in the admin dashboard. Can be a URL or Dashicon class name to use for the icon.

Custom Meta Box Callback

A PHP function name to be called when setting up the meta boxes for the edit screen.

Show In Admin Bar

Enabled by default, controls if the post type should appear as an item in the ‘New’ menu in the admin bar.

Appearance Menus Support

Enabled by default, controls if items can be added to menus in the ‘Appearance’ > ‘Menus’ screen. Must be turned on in ‘Screen options’.

Exclude From Search

Sets whether posts should be excluded from search results.


The ‘URLs’ tab contains the settings that control how the post type appears in URLs. This includes the permalink structure of URLs for items of the post type, if the post type should have an archive page URL, and how to control the query variable settings for the URL.

Permalink Rewrite

Rewrite the URL for an item of the post type using the post type key as the slug, a custom slug or disable it to prevent URL rewriting.

Front URL Prefix

Enabled by default, alters the permalink structure to add the WP_Rewrite::$front prefix to URLs.

Feed URL

Enables an RSS feed URL for the post type items.


Enabled by default, allows pagination support for the items URLs such as the archives.


Controls if the post type has an item archive that can be customized with an archive template file in your theme.

Publicly Queryable

Enabled by default, controls if URLs for an item and items can be accessed with a query string.

Query Variable Support

Controls id items can be accessed using the non-pretty permalink, with the post type key as the query variable, a custom variable or query variable access is disabled.


The ‘Permissions’ tab contains settings all about accessing the post type.

Rename Capabilities

By default the capabilities of the post type will inherit the ‘Post’ capability names, eg. edit_post, delete_posts. Enable to use post type specific capabilities, eg. edit_{singular}, delete_{plural}.

Singular Capability Name

Choose another post type to base the capabilities for this post type.

Plural Capability Name

Optionally provide a plural to be used in capabilities.

Can Export

Enabled by default, controls if the post type to be exported from ‘Tools’ > ‘Export’.

Delete With User

Controls if the items by a user are deleted when that user is deleted.


The ‘REST API’ tab contains settings to control the post type’s behavior in the WordPress REST API.

Show in REST API

Enabled by default, controls if this post type is exposed in the REST API. Required to use the block editor.

Base URL

The base slug for the post type REST API URLs.

Namespace Route

The namespace part of the REST API URL.

Controller Class

Optional custom PHP controller class to use instead of WP_REST_Posts_Controller.

The Next Step

Once you have configured the post type and saved your changes, a saved success notice appears along with some helpful links to perform typical next actions.

Post type actions to perform after saving.

These include:

Creating a New Field Group

A common workflow is to register a post type then add some fields to it to store other structured data outside of the post title and content. This is made extremely easy by clicking the ‘Add fields to’ link, which takes you to a new field group where the location rule is already set to make the field group appear when editing posts of the new post type.

Connecting to Existing Field Groups

There will be times when a new post type is created and existing field groups should also be displayed when editing posts of the new post type. You can connect existing field groups by clicking the ‘Link existing field groups’ link and selecting the field groups in the modal that appears.

This process adds a new location rule to the selected field groups to make them appear when editing posts of the new post type.

Connect a post type with existing field groups with ACF.

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